Excellent piece, once again. This really resonated. I have ADHD and overwhelm is my constant state. I’ve started paying attention to my layers (really love this language) and just this evening I decided not to go to a Burns Night social event which would have been lovely but also really loud (everyone’s bringing an instrument and there’ll be singing etc). I’m sure it’ll be lovely but my nervous system needs quiet today. Those would have been too many extra layers. This way of looking at things helps me not to feel so guilty for saying no to stuff.

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Thanks, Jennifer! I'm so glad it resonated. On the "saying no to stuff" front, my go-to is to ask myself whether I have what I need to do a thing well. Using your example, I think another good question might be: Do I have what I need to enjoy myself? 🫶🏼

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Oooh that is a very good question to ask! Both of them actually, I will write this down. I definitely would not have had what I needed to enjoy myself yesterday. But I enjoyed staying home crocheting and reading. 😊🧶📚

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This resonated so much. I’ll be at a kid’s birthday party with my partner and gaze around at all of the adults seemingly unbothered by the layered sounds of kids screaming and layers of grownup conversations. I find it to be so hard to be in the car with music, conversation, and outside noises. If I’m roaming around Target with my stim songs blasting, I’m able to tune out the bright lights and discomfort of being too hot. I found myself nodding a lot at the part about often needing some quiet time on nights when I’ve had a Zoom-heavy day. It’s so awesome to be able to accommodate for ourselves in new ways, which can be as simple as taking a layer off while shopping or realizing I’m cranky because I forgot to eat.

Thanks for writing pieces that make many of us feel seen!

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You are so welcome! I'm so glad it resonated.

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