Oct 3, 2023Liked by Tara McMullin

This piece (as most of yours magically do!) came at the perfect time as I am in the midst of trying to articulate my values so that I can ensure my business model, work, and clients align (or at least that my clients know who their getting when they work with me). Thanks!

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Glad it landed at the right time! It's always a work in progress, right? (Or, as I like to say, I "work in practice...") I'm constantly finding new ways to subvert norms and be more in alignment with my deepest values!

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Oct 3, 2023Liked by Tara McMullin

It also feels like it gives me a new way to see corporate clients who still aren't demonstrating/living their espoused values - like they aren't necessarily evil hypocrites, but more that the people working in those systems have huge blind spots about the systems having been designed to uphold assumed values - like a fish not seeing the water. Got me wondering about what a big corporation could do to rewrite some of the rules. Lots to ponder. :)

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IPAs are the best!

I relate to all of this. I try to earn, invest, and spend my money in alignment with my values, but it can be so hard!

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IPAs 4 eva! 🍻

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